The float pod allows your mind and body to RELAX.
Only when you are completely relaxed can you really LET GO.
Only when you have let go can your mind and soul RECOVER.
Get showered
Put your earplugs in
Enter Float Tank
Tips to enhance your first float
How to improve your experience
No Shaving Before
Freshly shaved skin can be easily irritated by the salt which can ultimately affect your floating experience
No Expectations
There is no right or wrong way to float.
Floating is an entirely individualistic experience, find what works for you.
Be Hydrated
Try to remain hydrated throughout the day, but ensure not to drink too much before floating.
Focus On Your Breath
If you find your mind wandering pay attention to the pattern of your breath. Ensure to take deep breaths and focus on the process. This will help your mind to calm.
Try Different Positions
Move your body freely and find which position is right for you.
Float Nude
We want to eliminate external irritations, so we advise to float nude. Our pods are excellently filtered to ensure the cleanliness.
Don't Stress Over Time
You will hear the before your session is over, so don’t worry about the time, instead focus on your breath to avoid your mind drifting.
Eat A Light Meal First
It is best to float once your food has settled, so try to eat something 90-minutes before your session.
No Stimulants
Caffeine and other stimulants may affect how your body and mind relax, so we advise no stimulants on the day of your session
Contact information
- 01138730031
- 07538866741
- [email protected]
- Mon - Sun: 7.30am - 8.30pm
Infinity Float
133 Easterly Road
United Kingdom